Human and Pet Safety

Is your cedar oil formula safe for humans?


Humans tend to tolerate cedar oil pesticides quite well, but you should always consult your doctor if you suffer from a serious or chronic illness that affects your immune system. The Environmental Protection Agency classifies cedar oil as a low risk pesticide. Permethrin—the chemical most pest control operators use against mites—is classified as a likely carcinogen. Lindane, a chemical commonly found in lice and scabies treatments, is classified as a probable carcinogen. As with any topical pesticide, our organic formula should not be ingested by humans or animals. Direct eye contact should be avoided. A painter’s mask should be worn when using ANY type of fogging solution for pest control purposes, including our organic fog solution. Prior to fogging, humans and animals should be removed from the home, pilot lights should be turned off and smoke alarms should be disabled. Occupants may return in 4 to 5 hours. Do not spray cedar oil (or any other type of pesticide) into flames or electrical outlets. For a deeper discussion of safety measures, see our fog machine instructions.


Is your cedar oil formula safe for dogs and cats?


Dogs and horses tend to tolerate cedar oil pesticides very well, but you should always consult your veterinarian when treating sick or elderly animals. It is often reported that cats are uniquely sensitive to essential oils because their fragile livers can’t metabolize the phenol compounds. According to, essential oils that are safer for cats include cedarwood, lemongrass, peppermint and rosemary. In rare cases, ingestion of our product may cause lethargy or vomiting in cats. The same is true of ANY flea product or shampoo, be it chemical or natural. When in doubt, do a patch test to see how well your cat tolerates our formula or apply an Elizabethan cone to prevent your cat from licking its fur during treatment. If your cat is already responding well to a chemical treatment prescribed by a veterinarian, continue that course of treatment and save our product to treat carpets and furniture. For a deeper discussion of this topic, visit our animal safety page.


Top Fifteen Questions Posed by Mite Customers


If you’ve found this page helpful, you may also enjoy visiting our page that covers the top questions posed by mite customers.



1.) How many times do I have to fog or spray with Dr. Ben’s Evictor before the mites in my home are gone? How much should I buy?

2.) How can I tell what type of mite is infesting me?

3.) How can I tell the difference between a mite and a springtail?

4.) How can I trap mites and collect mite samples?

5.) Who can identify my mite samples?

6.) Are mites more attracted to some individuals than others? Why do mites seem to attack me more than other family members?

7.) Are there any natural supplements I can take to help my immune system battle mites?

8.) What are some handy products I can buy at the store to treat mites?

9.) How do I kill mites in the laundry?

10.) Do essential oils work as well as chemicals against mites?

11.) Is your cedar oil formula safe for humans?

12.) Is your cedar oil formula safe for dogs, cats and horses?

13.) What’s in Dr. Ben’s Evictor? What are the active and inactive ingredients?

14.) What’s the difference between the indoor formula and the outdoor formula?

15.) Do you offer a money back guarantee?